Shamanic Bodywork

Our sessions begin with a mindful check-in to align with what's happening in your body and life at the moment. We explore and decode your dreams, understanding them as deep communications from your inner self.

Following the check-in, we engage in bodywork that clients describe as shamanic and transformative. This unique approach blends Eastern and Western modalities, addressing both your energy and physical body. Each session is tailored to meet you where you are, ensuring a personalized and effective experience.

At the end of every session, you receive hydrogen alkaline-rich Kangen water. This energized water, as nature intended, goes straight to your cells, providing essential antioxidants and hydration to deepen the healing process.

Think of our sessions as a ceremony with yourself, where every moment is designed to bring you closer to a state of holistic well-being.

Note: You have the option to combine a spiritual embodiment session with your bodywork. If you wish to combine these services, please let me know when scheduling your bodywork appointment so that I can reserve the necessary time.

Schedule a Session

Phone: 321-239-3898

Email: [email protected]


  • Bodywork: 60 min
  • Initial Session: 90 min (includes intake discussion) 
  • A blend of Eastern and Western modalities
  • Vibrational Therapy
  • Energetic Clearing
  • Discount on Spiritual Embodiment Support Sessions


  • Bodywork: 90 min
  • Initial Session: 120 min (includes intake discussion) 
  • A blend of Eastern and Western modalities
  • Vibrational Therapy
  • Energetic Clearing
  • Discount on Spiritual Embodiment Support Sessions


  • Bodywork: 120 min
  • Initial Session: 150 min (includes intake discussion) 
  • A blend of Eastern and Western modalities
  • Vibrational Therapy
  • Energetic Clearing
  • Discount on Spiritual Embodiment Support Sessions

"I had my first, and hopefully not last, Bodywork/Energy healing session with Laura recently. It was a deeply moving experience. I appreciated the time Laura spent talking with me at the beginning of the session in order for us to “align”, as she described it. The bodywork/energy work itself was the most powerful bodywork/energy work I’ve ever received. I’m convinced she moved things around for me, both physically and energetically, that have been stuck for far too long. I could actually feel myself shifting from a deepened place as she worked on me. There was intention throughout the session that was felt. She provided a sense of safety and care, that was egoless. Laura is gifted. I’ve worked with many people in the “healing” industry, and Laura shines as someone who’s in this because she respects the Universes decision to choose her to help serve in this way. The session has had lasting effects. And Laura was gracious about checking in after for integration purposes. If you feel stuck mentally, physically and/or spiritually, she’s someone who can help. All it takes is an open mind and thoughtful intention to accept and receive her support.”

Lacee Dilmore

Spiritual Embodiment Support 

These sessions are designed to meet you where you are, guiding you through a journey of deep personal healing and spiritual growth. This is tailored to your unique needs, providing spiritual support to help you move forward in your life with clarity and purpose. Below is an outline of what we may cover during our sessions, but please note that this program is flexible and adaptive to your specific situation:

Key Areas of Focus:

  •  Pattern and Blindspot Tracking:
    •  Identify and track recurring patterns or blind spots in your life.
    •  Progress monitoring for ongoing personal and spiritual development.
  •  Real-Time Support in Triggering Moments:
    •  Immediate assistance during emotionally charged situations.
    •  Introduction of simple systems to shift old perspectives that cause triggers or high emotional intensity.
    •  Guidance on how to apply these systems in real-time, empowering you to transform old patterns in everyday life.
  •  Dream and Spiritual Message Decoding:
    •  Understanding the deeper meanings behind your dreams.
    •  Interpreting spiritual signs and messages for personal growth.
  •  Emotional and Mental Tension Release:
    •  Identifying and releasing the root causes of emotional and mental blocks.
    •  Learning to relate to pain and use it as a tool for healing.
  •  Working with Your Energy and Setting Boundaries:
    •  Learning how to manage your energy effectively and reclaim your personal power.
    •  Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries to prevent energy drain and maintain balance.
    •  Practical techniques for safeguarding your energy in daily interactions.
  •  Integration of Shamanic Bodywork and Spiritual Growth (Optional):
    •  While these sessions focus on spiritual growth, I also offer shamanic bodywork sessions.
    •  Combining these sessions with bodywork quickens the healing process, releasing old tensions and creating space for new growth and opportunities.
  •  Empowerment Through Inner Wisdom:
    •  Developing trust in your own inner guidance and intuition.
    •  Learning to ask your body for guidance, deepening self-awareness.
  •  Global Harmony Through Personal Transformation:
    •  Understanding your unique role in the larger picture of global peace.
    •  Aligning your personal healing with the greater good of humanity.
  •  Trusted Guidance for Continued Growth:
    •  Providing an outside perspective to help you stay grounded and truthful.
    •  Ongoing support to maintain progress, avoid pitfalls, and continue evolving on your spiritual path.

60 min session: $140

Discount provided if combined with bodywork session or if package purchased. Please inquire for more detail 

Schedule a Session

Phone: 321-239-3898

Email: [email protected]


Ritual Reset Class

Friday's: 11:00am - 12:30pm

Sunday's: 6:30pm - 8:00pm

Light & Space Yoga, Ojai

This practice reconnects us with our original state of oneness, enhancing clarity and aligning with our unique creativity and inner wisdom.

Inspired by and created to support the one-on-one healing sessions, we will engage in integrative practices that combine breath and sound to cleanse and activate our energy centers.

Through slow movements and yin postures, we'll strengthen and adjust the central psychic channel, engaging connective tissues with gentle traction and prolonged holds.

Additionally, the practice incorporates nurturing physical and energetic touch and is enriched with a relaxing sound bath.

Click here to sign up!

"Laura’s ritual flow class is truly transformational. She brings in a rich depth of experience in body work and combines it with deeply healing energy practices.  Laura creates an environment that facilitates tuning into your body and your inner wisdom in her classes.  This class is a wonderful way to honor the sacred through breath and movement. ”

Deborah Cluff

“Laura's ritual flow class is sublime. Her soft and loving guidance has helped me to tap in, move stuck energy and flow. Establishing a steady practice with her has been an integral part of my healing.”

Kendall Walton

Sister Circle

1st Friday of each month

6:30pm - 8:30pm

Light & Space Yoga, Ojai 

A safe and sacred space for women of all ages and generations to connect, share, and empower. We honor and connect with the divine feminine, reawakening and strengthening our intuition and ability to flow with the natural rhythms of life.

Circle is initiated with an intention or prompt, followed by breathwork, light movement, and a short sound bath.

Participants are then invited to share from the heart. 

Light refreshments provided. 

Click here to sign up!

“Laura is an amazing facilitator of Sister Circle. She creates a beautiful, healing atmosphere for all to feel fully embraced and deeply heard. One can feel the love and care she devotes to blessing and clearing the space beforehand. When we begin, she leads us in brief calming, cleansing breathwork. She then provides clear guidelines to keep sharing focused and safe, and suggests a thoughtful topic for reflection. I experience new openings and insights in the Circle, and often contemplate for several days after we meet. I am always amazed how Laura leads the Circle without any feeling of hierarchy. She shares in a vulnerable, raw way that invites others to do the same. Laura inspires with the rare balance of the strong rootedness of the masculine integrated with the soft intuition of the feminine. I love Sister Circle and so appreciate Laura’s skillful, nurturing facilitation!”

Cindy Rowe

“The space Laura created feels truly sacred. Her genuine compassion and empathy is contagious and fills the room with supportive energy. Her communication style fosters a sense of safety and respect, which is crucial for people to share from the heart and be vulnerable with each other. The result is a deep sense of connection and sisterly love to each person in the room, lightness from being able to move stuck emotion, and soothing yet energizing feeling of belonging and community. The circles have become an important part of my self care and healing journey, and I am so grateful to Laura for holding them.”

Stephanie Kmosek

Ritual Nidra 

Seasonal Offering 

Date: TBD

Light & Space Yoga, Ojai

This practice, performed lying on your back in Savasana pose, begins with a warm-up to settle the body. For optimal comfort, light, loose, and comfortable clothing is recommended and ideal if practiced on an empty stomach.

Yoga Nidra, a tantric practice, is often described as sleep with a trace of awareness, engaging the levels of hearing and awareness. It profoundly influences the subconscious and unconscious mind, which are potent forces in the human being. Practicing Yoga Nidra can transform the nature of your mind, heal diseases, and rejuvenate your creative genius by alleviating muscular, emotional, and mental tensions.

An hour of Yoga Nidra can be as restorative as four hours of traditional sleep. With regular practice, you may notice significant improvements in your sleep patterns. The practice concludes with a grounding sound bath, enhancing the overall experience of relaxation and rejuvenation.

Click here to sign up!

Dancing with Kali 

Next Offering: TBD

Sliding Scale: $20 - $40

Light & Space Yoga, Ojai

This unique gathering is designed to foster a profound connection with the divine feminine through sensual movement, embodied flow, and the power of collective intention.

This event is more than a dance; it's a sacred ceremony dedicated to setting powerful intentions and allowing the body to narrate its own story. As we move, we invite every part of ourselves into the space — honoring and embracing our emotions, sensations, and the wisdom our bodies hold. This experience is an opportunity to release what is ready to be let go of, building a deeper trust in the body's messages and signals.

The structure of our gathering includes:

  •  Open Circle
  •  Warm-up
  •  PartnerPlay
  •  Free Flow
  •  Close Circle
  •  Refreshments

This event is a space where all parts of you are welcome. It's an invitation to give permission to every aspect of yourself to step forward — to be seen, felt, accepted, and honored. It's about embracing the uniqueness of you, creating harmony within, and experiencing the power of being fully present in your body.

Come join us as a collective, united in harmony, ready to explore the depths of our being and the expansiveness of our spirit. "Dancing with Kali" is not just an event; it's a transformative experience, guiding you to a place of deeper self-trust, liberation, and joy.

Public Group Offerings:





Ritual Reset Class

                      90 mins

                   $24 Drop-in

Ritual Nidra 

                      90 mins


Sister Circle

                      120 mins

                   Donation ($0-$25) 


Private Group Offerings:





Full-Day Package (Bodywork, Yoga, etc.)

       Full Day


Half-Day Package (Bodywork, Yoga, etc.)

       Half Day


Customized Group Offering

       Custom Duration

     Custom Pricing


Note: Travel expenses may apply for events outside Ojai, CA. Contact me for personalized and additional offerings.